I pride myself in being a pretty good cook. My mother is a really good cook and I learned by watching her. I very seldom make anything the same way twice because I am not one to use a recipe. Most meals are planned in accordance with whatever so happens to be in the pantry and frig when it comes time to have a meal. Most things turn out pretty good with very little complaining.
My little man pretty much hates everything that isn't steak, ribs or shrimp and they each have to be prepared just so so or he won't eat those either. The Professor, on the other hand, will eat anything that doesn't eat him first. He thoroughly enjoys eating and as long as there is a lot of what ever it is, he is one happy man. My daughter (Puppy) is my more in between eater. She doesn't like absolutely everything, but she does have a hearty appetite and will try most things. I . . . well . . . being that I am the cook, I typically like what we are eating.
All of that is to lead you to last night's dinner. It was Green Chili Chicken Taco Night. It is a meal that we have rather often. I throw some chicken breasts with various seasonings, one of which is green chiles, into the crock pot and voila a few hours later we have what I call Green Chili Chicken. We then put it in taco shells with our favorite taco toppings, add some rice and beans on the side and we are ready for dinner.
We also really love picante sauce and chips on Green Chili Chicken Taco Night. However, because The Professor has developed some stomach issues over the last several years, his system will no longer tolerate onions, which pretty much knocks out all store bought picante sauce. As a result, I have come up with this super easy fix by mixing together green chili sauce, diced tomatoes, minced garlic and a little salt. It is a perfect little chipper dipper! I don't measure anything. I just throw it all together and whoever is handy will taste it until the proportions seem good. It is really a simple process.
Last night . . . oh, last night . . . something went terribly wrong. I didn't have green chili sauce. All I had was diced green chiles. I didn't have diced tomatoes either. All I had was enchilada sauce. Who knew that the two would not go together? Well . . . in case you didn't, now you do. It was horrible! When I say "horrible," I really really mean HORRIBLE! Puppy is the one who was close by so she was the one to taste it first. The look on her face was rather indescribable. However, she tried to be kind with her, "uhhh . . . it doesn't taste like it normally does." Of course, with that said, I had to grab a chip and try it. Bad, bad, bad. I deemed it not edible. When The Professor walked into the kitchen, I voiced those very words, "It is not edible." (In case you missed it a few paragraphs up, The Professor will eat anything that doesn't eat him first.) I think he considered those words a challenge because instead of taking my word for it, what did he do? He grab a chip and scooped up a big mouthful of sauce. Not a good idea. He had the same reaction that Puppy and I had. He swallowed and then his tongue immediately came out of his mouth as he exclaimed, "That is not edible"! Hmmmm . . . I think I remember hearing those words before.
It is in moments like those, that one really wants to "Spit It Out"! It is probably because at some point during the toddler years Mom said, "Do not spit that out," that each of us swallowed instead of spitting it everywhere. Needless to say, we had Green Chili Chicken Taco Night without picante sauce. And, yes, it was rather bland.
All of this got me to thinking about a sermon from a few weeks back by my church's pastor, Barry Jeffries. (If you would like to hear his sermon, you can do so here: http://hafbc.com/resource-library/)
In Revelation 3:15 and 16 God tell us:
I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold - I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
Ewwww. . . that doesn't sound so good. Those are very strong words. God, obviously, wants each one of us to be living for him, in tune with him - not indifferent. If one does remain in a state of indifference, He will "Spit you out"! Where are you today? How are you starting this new year? Are you standing firm in your faith in Christ and moving into the new year ready to make a difference? Or, are you standing back remaining indifferent to the sin around you afraid you may offend someone?
As we are getting this new year started, I pray that you, my reader, will not be indifferent towards God and His Word. I pray that He will be alive within you and that you do great things for His Kingdom throughout this year.
May you have JOY in taking a stand for Christ.