Dirty Clothes. No matter how many loads of laundry are washed per day there is absolutely no way to have all clothes clean. Unless . . . well . . . we won't go there.
Dust. Due to my extreme allergy to dust mites, we do not have carpet in our home. The amount of dust that can build up on hardwood floors is unbelievable. It astonishes me how I can dust mop the floor in a room, leave the room, return ten minutes later and there is more dust. From where does all that dust come? Dust abounds no matter what type of super dust grabbing cloth is used.
Dirty Dishes. It never ever fails. I search the house high and low. I gather all the dirty cups - even those The Professor "thinks" he has hidden from me for later use - load them in the dishwasher and start the washing processing to discover there is another dirty dish! I cannot tell you how many times I have had to stop the dishwasher just to add one more item. Then, by the time the dishwasher has completed its cycle, there is a stack of dirty dishes on the counter above the dishwasher. It is never ending!!
As I was cleaning my way through the house yesterday and making note of how my cleaning doesn't last long, my mind wonder over to God and his great love for me and for you. No matter who you are, no matter what you believe or don't believe, God still loves you with an infinite love. It is a love that doesn't ever change. One of the very first Bible verses I learned as a child was John 3:16. It is such a great reminder of God's never ending love.
For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.The thing about God and his never ending love is that He loves you so much that He wants you to come into a relationship with him. That is why He sent His Son, Jesus, as a way to enter into that relationship. I can tell you it is a relationship like no other.
I would like to get rid of some of the dust in my house. It would really help with the itchy eyes and sneezing. God's love on the other hand is what I hang onto ever so tightly. It is that never ending love that brings the true peace and joy to my days. It is that never ending love that helps me to know I can keep going when I really want to give up.
If you are reading this and you have not experienced that great never ending love, I pray today that you accept Jesus and the free gift of His love.
May you discover true JOY while resting in the never ending love of Jesus.