
Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Catching Up . . .

2019 came and went! What in the world happened?

I decided back in December when it was apparent that I would not be mailing Christmas cards that I would wait and mail out a New Year's letter in January. Did you all enjoy hearing from the Buckles family in January? Ya, it didn't happen.

As everything seems to be getting busier by the minute as we prepare for Puppy's high school graduation in May, I decided it a good idea to put some thoughts down on paper or in my blog, same thing. As I sit and wonder where to begin, so many memories come crashing in. Eighteen . . . Puppy turned EIGHTEEN in January. I knew . . . hoped . . . dreamed . . . of this day being reality . . . my baby girl growing into a young woman. I just didn't have a concept of how quickly it would happen.

All I ever wanted in life was to get married and have babies. When Puppy finally made her debut in 2002, all of my dreams came true. After the birth of  Little Man three and half years later, I knew our family was complete. However, I believed that my baby fever would never die, but then it did. As the kids have grown and matured, I have enjoyed each stage and, honestly, like that they can take care of themselves and don't need me all of the time. To say I am a proud momma is no exaggeration.

Currently, our lives are wrapped up in presenting the best Puppy we can possibly present to colleges that she "thinks" she "might" like to attend. What a process! Puppy has big dreams that include solving crazy math problems and numerous world uncertainties. She has the mindset of "go big or go home"!  She would rather try and fail than not try at all.

In my momma heart, I feel this little twinge of uncertainty and wonder what life will be like when my little one is halfway across the world. (Yes, even though she hasn't heard back from the majority of the schools yet, we know that she will be in the northeast no matter what.) Even as I type that it takes my breath and brings tears to my eyes. But, isn't this what we have prepared her for? Isn't this making my hopes and dreams come true when she is making her hopes and dreams come true? All I have ever wanted for her as well as her brother is for them to chase THEIR dreams, for them to grow into the woman, the man, God created each of them to be.

In all of this uncertainty and waiting for others to make decisions, we rely on one absolute certainty - God alone is in control. Because of our faith in Him, we believe without a doubt that Puppy will end up exactly where she needs to be for the purpose that she needs to carry out. We believe that this is not only true for Puppy, but is true for you as well. Jesus came to die, to raise, and to save. Because of our salvation through Him, we know, we trust, that even though we do not currently know what Puppy's future is, we know who holds the future. What peace that gives to us. I pray that you, through faith in Jesus, have that same peace.

The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid.
Psalm 118:6a

There is great JOY in watching my kids grow and mature in their faith in Christ. There is great JOY in watching Puppy spread her wings.
