
Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Internet and Social Media can be a good thing

So often, the negatives of the internet and social media are pointed out. And, I have to admit, there are times that I think social media is horrible! It seems to give people the freedom to say whatever pops into their crazy heads. The Professor refuses to be part of social media because he doesn't want to be part of the drama. I refuse to allow my thirteen-year old to be part of social media because I do not believe her mature enough to handle all the drama! Sometimes I even think I am too young for all of the drama.

However, I believe there are also great, life changing, benefits to the internet and social media. For me, it all began back in 2007 when The Professor accepted a visitorship position at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia. During our time there, I was doing a lot of sewing and joined an online fabric coop. In this coop, I met a fellow sewer named Kym.

Kym and I are about the same age, both originally from Oklahoma and both love anything crafty. (I have to throw in, though, that I am "crafty". Kym is a true artist.) A friendship quickly budded and when Facebook came to be, we became Facebook friends. Over the last several years, we have rejoiced with each other, cried with each other and watched each other's family through pictures. No, we have never met in person, but I do hope to some day.

Kym is the one who introduced me to New Horizons for Children which led to our hosting an orphan from Ukraine in the summer of 2013. Hosting that little girl was a life changing experience for our family - some good and some not so good. While in the middle of some of the not so good, I was introduced, through Facebook, to Beth, a behavior specialist.

Not only was Beth a great support to me when I needed someone who understood what we were going through while hosting a very hurt little girl from a foreign country, but we also learned that we have so many things in common.  We are the same age, we have had a lot of the same health issues and we generally like the same things like hot tea and Hallmark movies just to name a few. Just like I have with Kym, Beth and I have laughed together, cried together and generally shared life through Facebook.

Several months ago, Beth sent me a little book of poems. In the wake of my dad's death back in August, I passed that book over to my mother thinking it might bring her some comfort. My mom ended up picking a poem from that book to use as part of my dad's obituary at his funeral. Looking back at how God orchestrated and strung everything together amazes me. He is truly a part of the little details.

A couple of weeks ago when we traveled to New York, my kids and I were able to take the train from NYC over to Lancaster, Pennsylvania to meet my friend Beth and her three boys. What a blessing it was! Spending time with Beth in person was quite fun. I felt as if I had known her forever and that we were just picking up where we left off. I don't know when or where we will get to actually connect in person again, but we are keeping in touch on a daily basis through Facebook.

So, to those who think social media is keeping people from having "true" relationships, I beg to differ. Not only am I getting to reconnect with childhood classmates, former teachers, coworkers, and neighbors, I have made new, true, lasting friendships through social media. It has been quite a blessing in my life. I am reminded of this verse from Proverbs:

One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24 NIV

I thank God for these friendships.

May you have JOY in your friendships - old and new.


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