
Friday, June 16, 2017

Words are EVERYWHERE. Some are good and some are bad. Some can lift you up while others can bring you down.

Some time ago, as Puppy got into the car after a day at school, she was almost in tears. Honestly, thinking about it also brings tears to my eyes. Someone had used their words to bring hurt.

Someone seemed to think that it was very funny to make fun of something that Little Man had done. Not only had others been talking and laughing, this someone decided to tell Puppy about it thinking that Puppy would join in on their fun. Puppy didn't think it to be so funny. In fact, she was quite offended and hurt by the actions of others. She took the opportunity to take up for Little Man. That was a proud momma moment right there!

You see, Puppy knows her brother oh so well. She knows that he is not your typical kid. She knows that he is one that functions outside of the box. He is a very compassionate, intense, and sensitive kid to the point that he has what are known as sensory issues. Sensory issues come in many different forms. What is key is that they make kids function outside that box in which most kids fit. (If you would like more information on sensory issues, I can point you in the right direction to learn more.) Puppy is very sensitive to the issue because she herself has some of those sensory issues. Her's are just manifested differently than her brother's.

I know, kids will be kids. They have their good moments and their bad just as we adults do. They often say or do things without thinking about what it does to another. When someone is a little different in how they move through life, those inside the box at times look outside the box and find humor in those differences. To one who is different, there is no humor, but there is often hurt.

I am reminded that what we say about others is very important. We can use our words to either build each other up or tear each other down. As Puppy reminded me when we were talking about what had happened, once the words have been spoken they cannot be taken back. That is an ongoing lesson. May we all stop and think before we speak something against another even if we might find humor in it.
May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14
May others receive JOY from the words we speak. May our words build up and not tear down.


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