
Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Oh, comparison. We are taught at a very early age to compare things.

Which one do you like best?

Which item is larger, which is smaller?

Who has blue eyes, who has brown?

How many pieces of candy did you get?

It goes on and on and on. As we move into adulthood, we start comparing education, jobs, houses, cars, and prices at the grocery store. There are even times when comparisons are based on assumptions that just aren't true. The Professor is a highly educated man having a college degree as well as two graduate degrees from really good schools. I, on the other hand, chose not to go to college after high school. I went to a trade school and became a secretary. I loved being a secretary. I love to type!

It is often assumed that I have a similar educational background as The Professor. Prior to marriage to The Professor, one person was in great error in making this assumption. In the middle of a lengthy one-on-one conversation, she actually told me that it was impossible for her to carry on a conversation with someone who did not have a college degree. Oh the ignorance! Having a piece of paper stating a college degree does not make one smart, and it definitely does not give one wisdom!

When you think about it, aren't all of our comparisons just as crazy? Not only do we compare our own physical appearance from what size we are to how many wrinkles and gray hairs we have, but we also compare our children.

My child is the best baseball player, best dancer, or the champion of the spelling bee! From the time the child enters school, his intellect is compared with the other kids in his class via daily grades as well as other kids across the country on national tests.

What if the world stopped comparing? What if it no longer mattered who has the best job or if your child is the best at this or that? What if everyone could just be the person God created him or her to be?

In more recent years, I have been told by some that I "should" be doing this or that. I have even had some look down on me when I haven't done what they deemed I should be doing.

Last night I had the privilege of attending the LifeLine Pregnancy Center's annual banquet. It was such a blessing. The Professor was the keynote speaker. It was such an honor to be there in support of him as he shared his heart on the sanctity of life. We are 100% PRO-LIFE!

The Professor pointed out how through the life of the prophet Jeremiah* we can clearly see that each life is ordained by God prior to coming into existence - every life, not just certain ones here and there. Not only is every life ordained, but every life is created for a specific purpose! Can you let that sink in for a few minutes?

Basically, stop the comparing. God created YOU to be YOU! You are intended to be YOU to serve God in the way He has purposed. He just wants YOU to shine in the way he created YOU to shine. I can tell you, he did not create me to sing! There are many times throughout my life that I have "wished" that I could be like someone else in her talent. It is very freeing when you can come to grips with who God created YOU to be.

This goes for our kids too. It is so unfair to compare them to other kids even if your kid comes out on top in the comparison. God did not create Puppy to be a gymnast nor Little Man to play football. He did give them talents in other areas that are not necessarily the "norm" in each of their respective age groups. When they were younger there was a lot of pressure to put each of them into standard activities. Yes, we tried numerous to no avail. Not only have I received freedom in just being me, there has also been great freedom in allowing my kids to pursue their own interests even when it falls outside the realm of what is the "norm".
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
May you find JOY in being YOU!


*Please see Jeremiah 1 for the story of Jeremiah's genesis.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Having Fun, What Goes on Behind Closed Doors, and The Sovereignty of God

I absolutely love to laugh. Within our home, we do not go a day without a good belly laugh in some form. Even within the midst of heartache, we somehow find a way to laugh. It does my soul good. The Professor, even though he has a tendency to act like a PROFESSOR, has a great sense of humor. He often comes up with some type of riddle for us to mull over while eating dinner. Because he is a professor and doesn't have class every day of the week, he is at home the majority of most days. With us homeschooling, the kids are at home the majority of most days as well. In other words, we are together as a family A LOT!

Between chores, schoolwork, and outside activities our days are probably just as crazy as the next person's. For the most part, we just do it all under the same roof. We each go about our days doing what needs to be done to accomplish whatever task each of us needs to accomplish.

Then, evening comes. Very seldom are we not all together in the evening. There are a couple of days this semester that The Professor has an evening class. On those days, we wait for him to get home to have dinner so that we all eat together. After dinner, we have a tendency to scatter. The Professor typically goes to his office to accomplish a little more work. Puppy usually has to put a few final touches on a homework assignment. Little Man likes to perform a few more yoyo tricks or play one more computer game. I, well, one never can tell what I might be doing.

As the evening starts to come to an end, we all gather together in our family room for what was dubbed many years ago as "Night Night." This is our time as a family to come together for what is most important to us. For what is at the very core of our existence, our beings. It is during this time that we push to the side everything but one thing - The Main Thing. The time in which we pause, take time out from the world around us. The time in which we focus on God.  Even as we love to have times of laughter, we also cherish this most serious of times.

The Professor gets out his Bible and reads the words that were written thousands of years ago, but are so true today. I believe that I would be doing my friends a disservice if I do not share this aspect of our lives. The is the reason that we live, that we move, that we breathe. It is behind every decision that we make. The relationship that we have with God, the creator of the world in which we live, is the most important of all relationships.

We believe in the sovereignty of God. We believe that He alone has the supreme power, authority, and control not only over our lives, but the world as a whole. Because of this belief, we also believe that one day, when this life is complete, we will have to give an account to Him for how each of us has lived our lives. I will give an account for ME - not my mother, not my husband, not one of my kids, just ME!

First and foremost, God will ask if I knew his son, Jesus. His only son. The one who came into the world via virgin birth through Mary. The one who was persecuted, crucified, buried, and then rose from the dead. The one whom I believe lives eternally at the right hand of his Father God. The one whom I strive to follow and serve on a daily basis.

All of this has been weighing so heavily on my mind as I listen to our "Christian Community" spew hate and draw lines against each other over who will be president of the United States of America. It is a great country and I feel so blessed that through my mother I am a fifth generation American. However, my God is so much bigger than the United States. He doesn't love one country more than another country unless we start talking about Israel. And, well, that is His chosen country and the Jews are His chosen people. You can read about His relationship with Israel and the Jewish Nation throughout the Old Testament of the Holy Word of God. The United States, as great as it is, is not His chosen country. And we, Gentiles, are not His chosen people group. Thankfully, through the saving power of Jesus Christ, a way has been made for me and for you.

When it is all said and done, when I have to stand before God and give an account of ME, I do not believe that He is going to ask me for whom I voted in the 2016 Presidential Election of the United States. I DO believe He will ask me, "Did you know my son?"

Behind the laughter, behind the closed doors of our home, there is one thing that stands true today, tomorrow, and always, the Power of Christ. It never changes. It was the same yesterday, today, and will be tomorrow no matter whom I vote for or who wins the Presidential election. My God is bigger! He loves babies more than I could ever love. He hates ALL sin - even the sin in my life! And He loves every human being including Trump, Hillary and the terrorist.

My job is to seek Him, follow Him, strive to be like Him and to love at all cost. In that, I have JOY!


Monday, October 17, 2016


Are you a forgetful person? I sure am.

There was the time several years ago when I forgot my friend's baby shower. You may be thinking, "That's no big deal. It can happen to anyone." What made it so bad is that I was a hostess! I had spent the day before making food for the shower. The food was sitting in my refrigerator when the call came questioning my whereabouts while I was out shopping.

More recently, I forgot to go to a workshop that I signed up for and paid $25 to attend! Not only did I hate that I missed the workshop, but I also felt bad for the friend hosting the workshop. She was even kind enough to refund my money. I hope others attended.

Then, last week I went to put clothes from the washer to the dryer only to discover that there were WET clothes already in the dryer! Who knows how long they had been there. Obviously, not only had I forgotten to take them out of the dryer, I never turned the dryer on to begin with!

We so often think of forgetting something as a bad thing. Often it is. In the above instances, forgetting was definitely not a good thing. However, there are times when forgetting is a good thing. It can even be the best thing. Little Man recently asked me about something that he had done in the past. I honestly didn't remember it. At the time of the offense, he asked for forgiveness, I granted it, and didn't give it another thought. I told him that he too needed to forget about it.

Do you realize that is how God is? He can be VERY forgetful. The key is forgiveness. We are told in Hebrews 8:12:
For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.
Basically, if I ask God to forgive me, not only am I forgiven but my sin is forgotten! Forgotten in the sense that He will no longer hold it against you. You really can't get any better than that. That is when forgetfulness becomes the best thing.

I pray that today you find JOY in not only forgiving and being forgiven, but in forgetting the past sin in your own life as well as in the lives of others. There are times when we would all benefit from being a little more forgetful!


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

God is Quite Funny

Yes, I believe that God has a sense of humor. That statement may have you wondering why I believe such a thing. Well, I have created a list to support my belief and since you are reading this I am going to assume that you would like to know why I believe what I do so here goes . . .

1. God created humans. Can you get any funnier than that?

2. I am a very "neat" person. My life motto is "Everything has a place and everything should be in its place - at all times!" I am married to a man, The Professor, who is well . . . ummmm . . . not that way. I also gave birth to two little people who are the messiest humans ever put on the earth.

3. I do not like to be touched. I have this comfort zone and I am only comfortable when I am the only person in the zone! I gave birth to this little person who loves to touch. For the first six weeks of life this little person would not sleep unless lying on my chest. Even though this little person now weighs almost as much as I do, this little person still wants to sit in my lap.

4. I am an introvert. You know, one of those people who gets rejuvenated by spending time alone. I homeschool my kids. Homeschool moms do not, I repeat DO NOT, get time alone! I also gave birth to this little person who follows me everywhere I go. If I go outside . . . if I go to the laundry room . . . if I go upstairs . . . if I go to the bathroom . . . you get the picture. I never, even in my own house, go anywhere alone.

5. I am not a morning person. I like to wake up and have a few minutes to breathe, not talk, adjust to my eyes being open. Well . . . you guessed it . . . I gave birth to a MORNING PERSON! This little person wakes up early and starts talking the minute another life form is heard. I am typically greeted with chatter before I ever cross the threshold of my bedroom. Waking up and slowly adjusting to a new day just flew out the window.

6. I really like to be in control. I'm sure that statement makes some of you laugh out loud. I truly imagine God chuckling at that statement or at least shaking His head, which leads me to one of my favorite Bible verses.
In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.   Proverbs 16:9
I often think that God uses this verse to get a good laugh out of me. I really like to have all of my little ducks in a perfectly formed row, everything organized, and just so. Our schedule this semester is a prime example of me getting everything "perfectly planned" and then it all going haywire!

I started the semester believing that I would be at home alone for three hours every Monday and Wednesday. The Professor has Monday/Wednesday classes and I "had" both kids signed up for coop classes on Monday/Wednesday afternoons. I had wonderful visions of peaceful, uninterrupted time to myself, and a sparkling clean, well-organized house with everything in its place. What a dream it was!

Not only was my dream shattered when a coop class did not work out, but now every Monday and Wednesday I get to make the five minute drive to the coop school four times per day! Perfect example that I really have no control at all. Once again, I am reminded that it was so silly of me to think I did!

However, in the midst of the messy, touchy, crowded with people world in which I live, there is JOY.

There was that special moment with my little one, who hates to write, laughing through his writing assignment because he found the paragraph he was writing to be so funny. I would have missed that if I was at home alone.

The hugs, oh the sweet sweet hugs, that remind me that even though my baby is no longer a baby, I am still needed and wanted.

Being followed everywhere I go. That one is reminding me that my little one still wants to spend time with me, values my opinion, and wants me to know what is happening in her life.

Those morning greetings remind me that God too wants to hear from me, spend time with me as I start my day.

In the messiness, I am reminded that those messy people are way more important than everything being in its place.

So, today, I am taking a deep breath and finding JOY in all the chaos of this wonderful life I live and choosing to cherish the time I have the privilege of spending with the ones I love.

May you have JOY amidst your chaos!


Monday, September 19, 2016

Can I Text You?

I have two kids who never - and I mean NEVER - stop talking. They both attend coop classes with our home-school coop. The minute they get into the car at the end of the day there is a battle for who gets to talk. I try to make them take turns, but I am not always successful. If you by chance have one of my kids in class, by the time the evening is over I know just about every detail of everything that went on in your class.

Honestly, I wouldn't want it any other way. Sometimes I get a little worn out, but if they are willing to talk then I am willing to listen. If your child is a friend of one of my kids and you are wondering what is going on with your child, give me a call and we can talk! LOL

Today, though, I really needed to help Little Man with his homework. He is taking a class that is way out of his comfort zone and needed a little one-on-one with Mom to get started on his assignment. Puppy had not used up all of her words. Poor thing. I told her that I really needed her to stop talking so that I could give Little Man my full attention. Again, she interrupted with something that was . . . ummm . . ."very important." How important? Well, on a scale from one to ten with ten being the most important it was about a ZERO!

Finally, I said to my sweet Puppy, "If you cannot stop talking, you have to leave the room. I really need to give Little Man all of my attention. You can have another turn later." To which she promptly replied, "Can I text you?" Oh that kid. NO! You cannot text me.

I wonder sometimes if God feels like Puppy wanting attention. We are going about our days moving here and there taking care of this and that with no regard for Him whatsoever. He is doing everything to get the attention He deserves and yet we continue to ignore Him. I know I am very guilty.

It is very hard as a wife, mom, home-school teacher, dishwasher, laundry service, taxi service, cook, and every other job we do to stop and just be still with God. The thing about it is that we are absolutely nothing without Christ. He doesn't want our attention for selfish reasons, but because time spent with Him will improve our very being. As we are told by Jesus in the book of John:

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5

May you have JOY in being attentive to the call of Christ.


Friday, September 16, 2016

Friendship and Laughter

Yesterday was not the best of days. The morning started with my feelings being hurt, not once but twice. My mother-hen feathers were big and bold and they were ruffled!* That is not a good way to start the day.

To top that off, I had to make the 45+ minute drive down to UH to have new lenses put into Little Man's glasses. That in itself was not that big of a deal, but because a major change was made in the prescription for the left eye, Little Man had trouble seeing out of them. To confirm everything was how it was supposed to be, we had to go back and see the doctor again. Needless to say, the appointment took longer than anticipated. Since we had not eaten lunch prior to leaving home, we were both starving by the time it was all said and done.

Thankfully, God sees and God knows. Nothing is hidden from him. He knows when feelings have been hurt and spirits are weary. He knows our every need.

Late in the day, Puppy and I headed over to the lakes at the entrance of our neighborhood to check out lighting for her upcoming photo sessions. As we were walking around one of the lakes with Puppy snapping pictures, our neighbor was driving by, spotted us, and stopped to check out what we were doing.

She ended up hanging out with us for a while. We laughed, we talked, we walked, we laughed a little more, we stopped, we posed . . . Puppy snapped lots and lots of pictures . . . we laughed, we walked, we talked, and we laughed some more. I know the lady walking the circle around the lake for her evening exercise must have thought we were crazy. It makes me smile just to think about it.

I will say it again, God sees and God knows. Nothing is hidden from him. He knows when feelings have been hurt and spirits are weary. He knows our every need.

God knew that I needed to laugh. He knew that I needed a friend to show up. This friend didn't know that my day had started with my feelings being hurt. Until she reads this, she still doesn't. No mention was made. There was no need for her to know. But God used her just the same to bring light into the darkness of the day.

Spending a couple of hours of laughing about insignificant things changed the day. Puppy also got some crazy pictures that are very good blackmail material she could use against my friend and me. I'm thinking that we need to stay on her good side!

If your day is not going as planned, your feelings have been hurt, and you are frustrated, I pray that God will send laughter your way. It truly does change everything.

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22

There is JOY in laughter.


*Apologies have been made. Forgiveness is a good thing.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Celebrating the Kids

Have you ever noticed? Kids are EVERYWHERE! If you do not have one living in your home, all you have to do is go to the grocery store, Wal-Mart, the drug store, or just step outside your front door. They are EVERYWHERE!

There are tall ones,
short ones,
and in between ones.

Some are intelligent beyond their years
and others are working hard to keep up.

Some are star football players,
soccer players,
baseball players, golfers,
or basketball players.

Some are white belts,
yellow belts,
green belts,
black belts,
or somewhere in between.

Some can't walk across the room
without tripping on their own feet.
Others can't walk at all.

Some love math
or spelling
or science
or grammar.

Some hate math
or spelling
or science
or grammar.

There are ballerinas,
spelling-bee champs,
young scientists,
math whizzes,
and wallflowers.

Some talk . . . all the time.
Others never say a word.

There are some who like to
and twirl
and dance
and sing.

There are others who like to
sit perfectly still.

Some like yoyos,
and computers.

Some like taking pictures.
Others like being in pictures.

Some are loud
and rambunctious.
Others are as quiet
as a mouse.

Some are dramatic
while others are dull.

Some are
the life of the party
while others
blend into the wall.

There are those who
can draw and create
while others have trouble
holding a pencil.

Some can't seem
to get enough sleep.
Others don't seem
to sleep at all.

There are some that
never stop laughing.
Others seldom
crack a smile.

There are those
who will never be able
to read enough books.
There are others
who will never pick up
a book unless forced.
There are others
who are writing books.

They come with
and light skin.

They come with hair that is
and all shades in between.
And then some do not
have hair at all.

Some are healthy
while others are sick.
Some are fighting for life.
Some are losing the fight or
have already lost.

Some have brown eyes,
some have blue,
some have green, and
some have hazel that
just can't seem to make up their mind.

Some are in your life for your lifetime
some are there for a few years,
a few months,
a few weeks,
a few days,
a few hours.

No matter if you have one, two, three, or more, celebrate the uniqueness of the kids in your life. Rejoice that no two are exactly the same because they are all "fearfully and wonderfully made." Psalm 139:14.

May you have JOY today in Celebrating the Kids!


Wednesday, August 31, 2016

A little encouragement can go a long way.

School started this week at our house. I enjoy homeschooling. When my kids were younger, we did all subjects at home with me as the teacher. Now that the kids are older, they either attend classes offered by our local home school coop, have private tutors or take classes online. However, there is one subject that I decided to teach myself to one of my little ones because it is a subject that this particular child really doesn't like. I want to oversee this subject and make certain that all bases are covered no matter if we enjoy it or not.

This week has gone well. It is off to a good start. I have learned that if I write down everything that is to be covered for a particular day and leave it for my student that my student will get up each morning and get right to work on that day's assignments. The most despised part of the subject is always left until last, but it is getting done. However, there is no smile involved.

I really like smiles and I like the people living in my house to have smiles on their faces. When there aren't smiles, I like to do what I can to bring a smile to the face. Yesterday, as this little one of mine just wasn't happy with the work that needed to be done, I grabbed that little face between my hands and looked into those sweet eyes and said, "You might hate this subject and not like doing the work at all, but . . . " At this point I was interrupted and my little one said, "But I have to do it anyway." I replied, "What I was going to say is 'you are very good at this subject. It may not be your favorite, but you have what it takes to do it and you are very good at it.'" That sweet little face got the biggest of smiles and said, "Really"? "Yes, really."

I have to say, today went a little smoother. The attitude in doing that assignment for the not-so-favorite subject was much improved. It is amazing how a few words of encouragement can change everything. Is there someone in your path that could use a kind word or two?

Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.
Proverbs 16:24          

May you have JOY today in speaking kind words of encouragement to others.


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

A Tribute To My Daddy

As of today, August 9, 2016, it has been a year since we said our earthly goodbyes to my daddy. In so many ways it is hard to believe that it has been a year.  I still often think, “I need to call Daddy and tell him . . . ,” and then I remind myself that I cannot do that.

My mother, as well as a few others, wanted me to speak at my dad’s funeral service. That is not something that I felt like I could do for emotional reasons. Instead, I wrote out what I would say if I were speaking and let my mother read it. She accepted that. Now, on this one-year anniversary of his death I share with you my words about my daddy.

My daddy was a man who loved to serve. He was a hard worker and good provider for his family. If someone was stopped on the side of the road and needed help, he was the one to stop and offer help. He visited those who were in the hospital and those in the nursing home not because it was an obligation but because he loved and cared. He was the one who made certain all the widow ladies were taken care of. He had a heart for the people of Mexico and traveled to Mexico numerous times over the last 35+ years to build churches, homes, an orphanage and to minister to the people.

He was a born leader. As my family and I were putting together his obituary, I came to realize that there were very few organizations of which he had not been a part. He served his church and his community well.

I truly believed – as I think many others do – that my daddy could fix just about anything from broken hearts to cars to an antique windup jumping dog. He considered it a challenge to fix something that was broken and he was always up for a good challenge.

Everything I have mentioned are things that most everyone who knew my daddy already know. What you may not know is the daddy that he was to me. He was the ever present father who never missed one of my activities. He was the one who came running if I called out in the middle of the night. That held true not only while I was living under his roof, but also after I moved into my own apartment. He was the one who taught me not to accept handouts but to work hard for what I wanted in life.

He was the man who carried me down the aisle when I accepted Jesus as my Savior at the age of seven and then walked me down that same aisle when I married my husband 20 years later. He was the one who built dollhouses and treehouses. He was the one who climbed trees to rescue me from treehouses. (He did that more than once!) He was the one who moved me more times than I can count. He was the man who supported me no matter what, loved me, cherished me, and called me “Doll”.

He was the man who didn’t want to die because he didn’t want to leave my mother. He was the man who even in his illness was still trying to take care of others. He was truly a living example of the hands and feet of Jesus. He was the man who had the use of his hands, feet and voice taken away by ALS.

He is now the man whose hands, feet, and voice have been restored all because of his faith in Jesus Christ as his Savior. He is now rejoicing in Heaven. I am thankful that I have the hope of joining him one day.

There was no other man like my daddy. I was blessed that God chose him for me!

As we are reminded in Psalm 30:5, “weeping may stay for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning”. Even though in so many ways we still mourn Daddy's absence here on earth, we rejoice in knowing he suffers no more. In that, there is JOY!

May you too have JOY in remembering your loved ones.


Thursday, July 21, 2016

Summer On The Mountain

 I have really neglected my blog. We are entering the end of July and I haven't had an entry since May and that was an entry by The Professor. When I first started this blogging journey, my hope was to have an entry at least twice a week.  Well . . . that obviously hasn't happened. Summer hit and other things became more important. Life is like that. We think something will be a priority and then other things come along and before you realize what has happened time has passed and some things have gone by the wayside.

In case you are wondering, it has been a good summer here in Southeastern Oklahoma. I always seem to walk a little lighter just being in the Great State of Oklahoma. It is so very near and dear to my heart. We are so blessed to be able to spend our summers here in the Ouachita Mountains.

This is our sixth summer here and it marks a new norm for me. We started spending our summers here the year my dad was diagnosed with ALS. Over the next five summers, most weeks on at least one day I would make the hour drive to my parents' house to spend the day with my dad and to help my mom with chores around the house. My dad always had an agenda for me, which did not typically include any chores for my mom. It typically included going to his shop and him telling me what and how to do something that he wanted done but could no longer do for himself. So many times I said, "Daddy, I can't do that." to which he would always reply, "Sure you can." Yes, I ended up doing several things that I never thought I could do. I will treasure those summers forever.

This is our first summer without my dad so we are finding that new norm. I have still made the one-hour drive to my mother's house many times. She has also come to visit us more than she has in the past. She too is continuing to find her new norm. Throughout my dad's illness, she amazed me with her strength and perseverance. She continues to amaze me in how she is moving forward with such grace and determination. If you live close to her, drive by her house and see her yard. You will get a glimpse of what I mean!

In settling into the new norm of the summer, The Professor and I have both been very busy with numerous projects. In doing these various projects as well as living on the side of the mountain, I have learned a lot. What have I learned? Oh, I am so glad you asked.

1. If you give The Professor a shovel and tell him that you would like a spot on the mountainside for your picnic table, a spot you will get. That man has dug up more rocks and toted them UP the mountainside than I thought was humanly possible.

2. Craft paint from Wal-Mart is a wonderful thing. It can be used to paint birdhouses, dye coffee filters (that are then turned into flowers), and paint furniture. To top it all off, the bottles seem to be bottomless. The paint just keeps going and going and going . . .  I highly recommend buying a few bottles if you don't already have some. You will be so glad you did.

3. In the midst of all the projects, the chores of life do have to continue. I recommend that you continue to do chores on a daily basis. For example, you shouldn't go for days on end without doing laundry and then try to get caught up in a couple of days. This is especially true if your only water supply is from a very slow producing well. Doing ten loads of laundry over two days, running the dishwasher, watering all the plants in the front yard, and hosing down the ground where you burned some weeds will cause your holding tank to run dry. This is really not fun if you are in the middle of taking a shower when this happens. There are times when bottled water is appreciated more than other times! Unfortunately, Little Man experienced this firsthand.

4. This summer has not gone without some illness. We learned that hand/foot/mouth disease is not just for toddlers. Teenagers can also get it. Puppy suffered greatly with this horrible illness. We also learned that even though the doctor's office has a sign on every wall that states: "We will not prescribe hydrocodone under any circumstances. Do not ask for it." that they will still prescribe it.

5. You really shouldn't get upset with your credit card company for denying your credit card charges just because you are using your credit card in an unusual location. When your credit card number is actually stolen, it is nice that your credit card company notices and denies the charges. This is also a very good way to learn what automatic payments you have going to your credit card. However, it is really not fun to have to change your credit card information with all those companies. 

6. If you decide to take a break from your life on the mountain to make a quick trip back to the city with your mother in tow and stop to do a little antique shopping, you probably shouldn't take a detour off the main path. If you do take a detour, you shouldn't tell that lady having a yard sale that you do not see anything you want nor should you tell her you are looking for a little side table. She will open the door to her home, wake her husband and have him bring out the table from their living room. She will probably get upset with you when you tell her that you don't want the table. Consider yourself warned! Just to add a little side note, I really think it is unfair that my mother thinks she should always be Lucy just because she has red hair. Sometimes I get tired of being Ethel and want to be Lucy!

7. If you do leave for a few days and leave your kids on the mountain with dad, be sure and tell them to take a bath whenever you call to tell them goodnight. Otherwise, they just might not bathe the entire three days you are away. (After reading this, one child did declare that she in fact took a bath while I was away. The other child was wearing the same clothes upon my return that he was wearing when I left. You can form your own opinion on that one.)

We have had a lot of fun times this summer. I always find it bittersweet when I know our days of being in Oklahoma are getting close to ending.


Through all the changes that took place last summer that caused us to find a new norm this summer, I am so thankful that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). That, my friend, brings JOY to my heart!

I pray you are having a JOY filled summer.


Friday, May 6, 2016

A Tribute to Mothers

In honor of Mother's Day, The Professor has written a poem in tribute to the mothers in his life, as well as to each mother who has given so much to her family.

More than Flowers for Mums

On this day for our mothers
I search the green mountain side
not for wildflowers blooming,
but for words that abide

For daisies and marigolds
make a fine show, then fade
but a bouquet of true verses,
on the heart can be laid

For my dear mother, Janice,
my loving caregiver from birth,
you are bright, bold, beautiful,
the mom I cherish, of infinite worth

You showed me compassion and faith,
you nurtured me with skill and great love.
You taught me goodness and kindness,
and the grace of the Lord Jesus above.

For my beloved wife, Tami,
my best friend and eternal flame,
you are great, godly and gorgeous.
Wife of excellence is your name.

You are thoughtful and sacrificial
your virtue towers in plain sight
you give so much to your children and husband,
our home shines bright with your sweet light.

For my supportive stepmother, Billie,
who graced our family later in life,
you are lovely and so hospitable
and to my dad, a faithful wife

You share stories and cook goodies
we have laughs and talks with weight.
Your generosity is always noted
we're joined by God and not by fate.

For my charming mother-in-law, Nita
the red-headed granny of my daughters and son
you are good, giving, and hysterical,
a woman of honor, a barrel of fun

You are a hard worker, a good listener,
a loyal and decent matriarch
I've watched you serve with true devotion,
like few others, in days light and dark.

And now for all the "mothers" in my life,
who have gone on to be with God,
I thank Him deeply for you, too,
for your presence on the paths we've trod.

For Grammy - oh my sensational Grammy!
How I've loved you since I was a boy
Your faithful life is an inspiration,
our vast time together, a spring of joy.

For Grandma Buckles - most dignified lady!
I am so grateful for our time
you showed me grit, principal and wisdom,
your steady mind and hand were sublime.

For Great Aunt Lois - dear quick-witted auntie,
how I miss the many fun times we would share,
your generosity has impacted our lives immensely,
your Godly example is a treasure quite rare.

For Great Grandmother Pearl - sweet-natured servant
you were a precious, playful friend.
Your love was unconditional and constant
and your loyalty knew no end.

Other "Mothers" too I hold within my heart,
like Great Grandma Davis, funny and spunky
and Great Aunt Alice, creative and smart.

To all of you fine women,
the Mothers and their type,
I give you thanks and many cheers
you merit all the hype.

Happy Mother's Day. You're terrific!
You're awesome! You're the best!
With all your love, your prayers and your labor
our lives you've greatly blessed.

Johnny Buckles
May 6, 2016

Mothers, may you have JOY in knowing you are loved!


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Cleaning the Shower

Well . . . if you want to or not, ever so often you have to clean your shower. I spent the morning doing just that. Being totally honest here, it was way overdue. As I was scrubbing away, it dawned on me that you, my readers, just might benefit from knowing some of the cleaning wisdom I have gained.

In an effort to try to stay away from strong smelly chemicals that reek havoc on my lungs (the lungs that are still attempting to recover from having pneumonia), I went in search of an alternative cleaning solution. I remembered reading that white vinegar is suppose to be a good cleaning agent. After googling white vinegar, I made a paste of baking soda and a solution of white vinegar and warm water. I have to say, this solution worked pretty well. I will probably try it again. I have used baking soda in the past, but adding the white vinegar worked even better. The chemical reaction and all the fizzing when the two were mixed together was actually quite fun. I recommend it!

When using a toothbrush to get into those tiny corners, I recommend a toothbrush with stiff bristles. I used an old toothbrush of one of my kids that had soft bristles. I am totally convinced that stiff bristles would work much better.

If you see that the drain of the shower is . . . well . . . rather gross and is in desperate need of being cleaned, by removing a couple of screws the cover will come off and you can then proceed to clean it. I do recommend that you don't attempt this if you have just eaten because it could cause even more of a mess.

You should be very careful while the drain is sitting there uncovered. If you drop the before-mentioned toothbrush down that drain, there is no retrieving it. I am not saying that I did this. I am just saying that it would be very wise to be careful.

If, like me, your birthdays have added up and you can no longer see things that are right in front of your face without your glasses, I recommend not having the water too hot. If the water is too hot, your glasses will fog over and then you won't be able to see at all.

Not only have I experienced this personally, but I have also done a little research on the ever so trustworthy internet and believe that when it really comes to killing everything that is growing in all those grout lines and tiny little corners, bleach is your best bet. It works well if you scrub the shower first then spray it with bleach cleaner and leave the room. That way you are not breathing it. You can come back a little later when the fumes have died down to rinse it out.

Just like a dirty shower that is in need of cleaning, so are we! Thankfully, because of God's great love for us and the sacrifice of Jesus, it is possible.

We are told in I Corinthians 6:8-11:
Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, and you do this to your brothers and sisters. Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
How beautiful is that? No matter what dirt and grime is in your life, it can all be cleaned by the Spirit of God! Just like bleach can get into every crack and crevice to thoroughly rid my shower of all the gross stuff, the Spirit of God can do the same for my life and yours!

May you have JOY today in being cleaned by the Spirit of God!


Friday, April 29, 2016

Things That Never End

After being sick for a couple of weeks and then it taking even more time for me to get back to functioning on a normal level, I have become very aware of several things around my home that are never ending. Some never ending things are good. However, there are some things that just keep going and going and going and they are not so good. Just to name a few:

Dirty Clothes. No matter how many loads of laundry are washed per day there is absolutely no way to have all clothes clean. Unless . . . well . . . we won't go there.

Dust. Due to my extreme allergy to dust mites, we do not have carpet in our home. The amount of dust that can build up on hardwood floors is unbelievable. It astonishes me how I can dust mop the floor in a room, leave the room, return ten minutes later and there is more dust. From where does all that dust come? Dust abounds no matter what type of super dust grabbing cloth is used.

Dirty Dishes. It never ever fails. I search the house high and low. I gather all the dirty cups - even those The Professor "thinks" he has hidden from me for later use - load them in the dishwasher and start the washing processing to discover there is another dirty dish! I cannot tell you how many times I have had to stop the dishwasher just to add one more item. Then, by the time the dishwasher has completed its cycle, there is a stack of dirty dishes on the counter above the dishwasher. It is never ending!!

As I was cleaning my way through the house yesterday and making note of how my cleaning doesn't last long, my mind wonder over to God and his great love for me and for you. No matter who you are, no matter what you believe or don't believe, God still loves you with an infinite love. It is a love that doesn't ever change. One of the very first Bible verses I learned as a child was John 3:16. It is such a great reminder of God's never ending love.
For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
The thing about God and his never ending love is that He loves you so much that He wants you to come into a relationship with him. That is why He sent His Son, Jesus, as a way to enter into that relationship. I can tell you it is a relationship like no other.

I would like to get rid of some of the dust in my house. It would really help with the itchy eyes and sneezing. God's love on the other hand is what I hang onto ever so tightly. It is that never ending love that brings the true peace and joy to my days. It is that never ending love that helps me to know I can keep going when I really want to give up.

If you are reading this and you have not experienced that great never ending love, I pray today that you accept Jesus and the free gift of His love.

May you discover true JOY while resting in the never ending love of Jesus.


Thursday, April 21, 2016

New Things Learned During Sickness

Being sick is never fun nor is the timing of getting sick ever good. However, being sick can have great moments of new insight as well as moments of sweet reminders.

Here are few of the highlights that I have learned over the last few weeks while being sick.

*In a matter of 24 hours, Puppy can go from being the one receiving all the care to being a caregiver. I have to admit, I was impressed with her ability to care for me in my time of need.

*The Professor can multi-task! Granted, it is not is his favorite thing to do, but he can rock multi-tasking when he has to. Go Professor!

*The Professor can also change the sheets on the bed (multiple times within one week). He may not do it exactly how I would do it - you know, the perfect way - but he can do it!

*Having pneumonia is much harder on a 47-year old than it is on a ten-year old. The recovery period is also much longer for the 47-year old than it is for the ten-year old.

*I really can cough so hard that it feels like my eyeballs are going to pop out of my head. But they don't. That only happens in cartoons.

*The box of cleaning supplies that was delivered the day that I got sick will still be sitting in the entry way two weeks later when I finally start "thinking" about opening it. No need to worry about it disappearing.

*I really need to change my name to Naomi and my dog's name to Ruth because his motto is truly "Wherever you go, I will go." That little fella never left my side. I am told he even went a couple of days without eating on the days I didn't get out of bed. Now, that is loyalty! (If you are not familiar with the story of Naomi and Ruth, you can read it HERE.)

*Dust bunnies and dirty clothes really do reproduce over night.

*Sweet friends can take the place of family during illness. The Professor was relieved of cooking duties many evenings by those bringing us meals. We are forever grateful.

*When I was at the end of my rope and feeling as if I was never going to stop running fever and feel better again, God used my sweet little Puppy for the best reminder of all - His great love for me. Her words reminded me of God's promise found in Hebrews 13:5:
"Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."
There are no truer words for a child of God. He is always there - in sickness, in health, in good times, in bad. He is steadfast and remains the same ALWAYS.

May you have JOY today in knowing God is always there for you.


Monday, April 4, 2016


Kindness - How does it look to you? Do you consider yourself a kind person? Is it something you think about?

Puppy has been sick for over two weeks now. Throughout this time period, we have been shown a lot of kindness from her home school coop teachers being understanding of her not being able to do schoolwork to balloon bouquets, homemade cookies and a hot meal delivered ready to eat. The acts of kindness from very dear friends as well as from those whom are only casual acquaintances has made me stop and think about kindness.

Am I kind? Do I go out of my way to be kind? Are some people just naturally kind? Do you have to learn to be kind? Is it easier to be kind to some people than it is to other people?

I think there are days that I am a really kind person and then there are days . . . well . . . that I am not. I do believe that some people are just naturally kinder than others. I also believe that one can learn to be kind. I have one child who is just naturally kinder than my other child. (If you know my kids, you can try to figure out which is which.) The one that is not so naturally kind has truly worked at becoming kinder and has been successful. I see a difference in how the sibling is treated. Proof that it can be done! Kudos to that child for making the effort.

In Ephesians 4:32 KJV, we are commanded to be kind:
And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.
Hmmm . . . looks like being kind includes forgiveness. Maybe that is because we are to be forgiving when someone isn't so kind?

Being kind is something that I not only want for myself, but I also desire for my kids. And my kids are more apt to act in accordance with what they have witnessed.  That's another reason for me to strive to be a kind person.

If kindness is as difficult for you as it is for me at times, with God's help you can live a kinder life. All you have to do is ask!
This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us -- whatever we ask -- we know that we have what we asked of him.  
                                                                                                    I John 5:14 and 15 NIV

May you find JOY in being kind to someone today!


Sunday, March 27, 2016

There is hope and then there is HOPE!

Hope - my mind has been parked on "Hope" for the last several days. Merriam-Webster defines hope to want something to happen or be true and think that it could happen or be true. I have had a lot of "hopes" this past week that have gone down the drain. How about you? Did your week go as planned? Or, did you too, have hopes that went down the drain?

I have been told that I am an "idealist". I would agree. I have an image in my mind of how things should play out and then when they don't . . . well . . . it's just not fun! This past week was like that because sickness hit our home. Poor Puppy. She has suffered greatly with an upper respiratory something or other. After two trips to the doctor it was "officially" printed on our take-home paperwork that she is suffering with an "unspecified respiratory infection". Needless to say, my hope of this picture perfect Easter Sunday morning went down the drain fast!

Life is like that. If you want it to be or not. You can make plans and have hope that those plans will come to be . . . the new Easter dress for Puppy and the new spring shirt for the Little Man . . . pictures taken with Easter Baskets and smiling faces . . . that wonderful Sunday morning church service . . . Instead, sickness has hit three more of our four. As a result, we are all in our jammies on this Easter Sunday morning. I am typing a blog post while others are in various rooms throughout the house coughing as we wait to watch the live streaming of Easter Service.

Even though the hopes that I had for this day have been shattered, I have an even greater hope that cannot be shattered. As we are first told in Isaiah 40:8 and then again in I Peter 1:24-25:
"All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever."
This is where I want to ultimately put my hope - in the Word of the Lord! Because, in the Word of the Lord, there is Living Hope. We are told in I Peter 1:3 and 4:
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. 
There is "Living Hope" in Jesus Christ! Praise God, He is Alive yesterday, today and tomorrow! In Him I place all hope. If you, my reader, have not placed your hope in Jesus and would like to do so, contact me. I would love to tell you how.

All because of Jesus, there is Living Hope! May you have JOY on this Glorious Easter Morn in knowing HE IS ALIVE and there is HOPE eternal!


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

My New Favorite Thing

You do not have to get to know me very well at all to figure out that I love hot tea (extra sweet), crocheting and chocolate. Very seldom do I have a day that I do not do all three. Yes, I can sip hot tea, pop a piece of chocolate in my mouth and crochet all at the same time. On a really good day, I add a Hallmark movie to the mix and . . . well . . . it is almost perfect!

Recently, though, I discovered something even better than chocolate and hot tea. You see, this new love of mine has long lasting results. Unlike eating chocolate, these lasting results are not extra pounds on the hips!

This new love involves a novel way to study the Bible, the Holy Word of God, the Good Book . . . whatever you choose to call it. It is one amazing book. It contains stories that will make you go "awww" while others will literally curl your toenails. It contains the details of the fiercest of battles and the most scandalous of romance stories. I have read the Bible from cover to cover - once. It took a year, but I did it! That's the important thing. My family sets aside time each evening to read the Bible together. The Professor lets the kids take turns picking a book. We then read through it verse by verse and discuss it. We started this practice when Puppy was just an infant. It is one of our most cherished times as a family.

Through the years, though, I have searched for the perfect thing just for me. I have done various Bible studies on my own as well as with groups. Even though I always gained Bible knowledge and spiritual growth from each study, some studies have been really hard to complete. I have to admit, at times it has been a real struggle to stay in God's Word and stay focused without my mind wondering all over the place.

Then, several months ago I saw a post on Facebook by Darlene Schacht of The Time Warp-Wife (You can check her out HERE) on Bible Journaling. Wow! I fell in love instantly. I immediately went to Amazon, ordered a Journaling Bible, and the rest is history.

For the first time, I have discovered a form of Bible study that really clicks with who I am. I have always been a "doodler" so to speak and now I am using that doodling to study God's Word. What a great combination.

Even within the world of Bible Journaling, there are many different forms and many different styles. There are numerous Facebook groups and thousands of pins on Pinterest. You really can't go wrong! I have discovered what works best for me is picking a book of the Bible, starting on the first page of that book, reading through everything on that page several times and then choosing the verse that speaks to me from that reading. From there, I meditate on that verse until I have an idea of what I would like to journal. Some pages are very detailed while others are very simplistic. The key is spending time in God's Word. Bible Journaling has made the scripture come alive in a new way for me!

 If you are not currently digging into God's Word, I encourage you to do so. You won't regret it. It will literally change your life. If you would like more information on how to get started in Bible Journaling, I would be glad to help you. Just let me know.

May you find JOY in digging into God's Word!


Monday, March 14, 2016

Time, Please Stand Still!

The first thing I thought this morning when I woke up was, "Awww . . . Spring Break . . . please stop time!" Then, I thought, "Wait a minute. That's been done before."

It is true. It has been done before. In the Book of Joshua we are told the story of Joshua being in the middle of battle against the Amorites. In Joshua 10:12-14, we are told:
On that day the Lord gave the Amorites over to Israel, Joshua said to the Lord in the presence of Israel: 
'Sun, stand still over Gibeon, and you, moon, over the Valley of Aijalon.' 
So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on its enemies, as it is written in the Book of Jashar. The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day. There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the Lord listened to a human being. Surely the Lord was fighting for Israel!
Wow! The sun and moon stood still. Amazing! I know that the sun and moon are not going to stop in order for me to enjoy Spring Break a little longer. There are things that I can do, though, to capture the moments so that I can cherish them a little longer. In our electronic age, taking pictures and videos helps to capture cherished moments. Making it a priority to spend time with friends and family adds to the memory bank of one's mind. Taking a walk and making note of God's beautiful creation adds to savoring the moment.

I pray that as you are going about your day - Spring Break or not - that you take time to cherish those small moments, those little gifts from God . . . kids getting along (for five seconds!), the sun shining, The Professor unloading the dishwasher . . . just to name a few of my moments. Knowing that time is not going to stand still, find ways to enjoy the time you are given. You may have to get out your magnifying glass to find some of those moments, but in the end you will be glad you did!

May you find JOY in the moving along of the day-to-day.


Sunday, March 13, 2016

This is NOT My Home

It seems that no matter the direction in which one turns, there is news of the upcoming presidential election. Don't worry, this is not a post about which candidate is best nor for whom you should be voting. I don't even know for whom I am voting so I am definitely not here to tell you how to vote.

In fact, I really don't even like talking about the matter. I am not a politically minded person. My kids probably know more than I do at this point because I enjoy living with my head in the sand - so to speak. However, with it thrown in my face at every turn, I have had no choice but to pick up bits and pieces here and there. I have enjoyed the somewhat lively discussions between The Professor and Puppy and even sometimes the Little Man of the house. Puppy has a very strong opinion at the ripe ole age of 14 and believes that she is in fact old enough and should be allowed to vote.

All I can really say is that I have been very disappointed. The reports of decisions made by various candidates in the past few weeks have left nothing but a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. As I was mulling over in my mind what some of the candidates have said and done, God brought to mind the verse out of Psalm which says:
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.    Psalm 20:7
As I have rolled that verse over in my mind, I have replaced "chariots" and "horses" with "president" and "government". In doing so, the verse could read like this . . . "Some trust in the President of the United States and some in the government, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God." I want to trust in God and God alone. Yes, those candidates are very disappointing - ALL of them - but they are not in whom I trust. I trust in God because He is the one ultimately in control. Nothing in this world happens outside of His will.

Taking it a step further, this is NOT my home. Oh, yes, it is such a privilege and blessing to live in the United States where one has the freedom to do and say as one pleases. I am so thankful. However, this is not it for me. Because I believe in Jesus as the son of the one true God and have taken Him as my Savior, this is NOT my home.

As it states in John 14:1-4:
Do not let your hearts be troubled.  You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.
Even though my happy place is a cabin on the side of a mountain, I repeat, "This is NOT my home." And, no matter who is the next President of the United States, it is temporary. It will all pass away. Only one thing stands now and forever more, God and God alone.

May you have JOY in knowing that this world is NOT your home. I know I do!


Thursday, January 7, 2016

Spit It Out!

I pride myself in being a pretty good cook. My mother is a really good cook and I learned by watching her. I very seldom make anything the same way twice because I am not one to use a recipe. Most meals are planned in accordance with whatever so happens to be in the pantry and frig when it comes time to have a meal. Most things turn out pretty good with very little complaining. 

My little man pretty much hates everything that isn't steak, ribs or shrimp and they each have to be prepared just so so or he won't eat those either. The Professor, on the other hand, will eat anything that doesn't eat him first. He thoroughly enjoys eating and as long as there is a lot of what ever it is, he is one happy man. My daughter (Puppy) is my more in between eater.  She doesn't like absolutely everything, but she does have a hearty appetite and will try most things. I . . . well . . . being that I am the cook, I typically like what we are eating.

All of that is to lead you to last night's dinner. It was Green Chili Chicken Taco Night. It is a meal that we have rather often. I throw some chicken breasts with various seasonings, one of which is green chiles, into the crock pot and voila a few hours later we have what I call Green Chili Chicken. We then put it in taco shells with our favorite taco toppings, add some rice and beans on the side and we are ready for dinner.

We also really love picante sauce and chips on Green Chili Chicken Taco Night. However, because The Professor has developed some stomach issues over the last several years, his system will no longer tolerate onions, which pretty much knocks out all store bought picante sauce. As a result, I have come up with this super easy fix by mixing together green chili sauce, diced tomatoes, minced garlic and a little salt. It is a perfect little chipper dipper! I don't measure anything. I just throw it all together and whoever is handy will taste it until the proportions seem good. It is really a simple process.

Last night . . . oh, last night . . . something went terribly wrong. I didn't have green chili sauce. All I had was diced green chiles. I didn't have diced tomatoes either. All I had was enchilada sauce. Who knew that the two would not go together?  Well . . . in case you didn't, now you do. It was horrible! When I say "horrible," I really really mean HORRIBLE! Puppy is the one who was close by so she was the one to taste it first. The look on her face was rather indescribable. However, she tried to be kind with her, "uhhh . . . it doesn't taste like it normally does." Of course, with that said, I had to grab a chip and try it. Bad, bad, bad. I deemed it not edible. When The Professor walked into the kitchen, I voiced those very words, "It is not edible." (In case you missed it a few paragraphs up, The Professor will eat anything that doesn't eat him first.) I think he considered those words a challenge because instead of taking my word for it, what did he do? He grab a chip and scooped up a big mouthful of sauce. Not a good idea. He had the same reaction that Puppy and I had. He swallowed and then his tongue immediately came out of his mouth as he exclaimed, "That is not edible"! Hmmmm . . . I think I remember hearing those words before.

It is in moments like those, that one really wants to "Spit It Out"! It is probably because at some point during the toddler years Mom said, "Do not spit that out," that each of us swallowed instead of spitting it everywhere. Needless to say, we had Green Chili Chicken Taco Night without picante sauce. And, yes, it was rather bland.

All of this got me to thinking about a sermon from a few weeks back by my church's pastor, Barry Jeffries. (If you would like to hear his sermon, you can do so here:

In Revelation 3:15 and 16 God tell us:

I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold - I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

Ewwww. . . that doesn't sound so good. Those are very strong words. God, obviously, wants each one of us to be living for him, in tune with him - not indifferent. If one does remain in a state of indifference, He will "Spit you out"! Where are you today? How are you starting this new year? Are you standing firm in your faith in Christ and moving into the new year ready to make a difference? Or, are you standing back remaining indifferent to the sin around you afraid you may offend someone?

As we are getting this new year started, I pray that you, my reader, will not be indifferent towards God and His Word. I pray that He will be alive within you and that you do great things for His Kingdom throughout this year.

May you have JOY in taking a stand for Christ.
