1. God created humans. Can you get any funnier than that?
2. I am a very "neat" person. My life motto is "Everything has a place and everything should be in its place - at all times!" I am married to a man, The Professor, who is well . . . ummmm . . . not that way. I also gave birth to two little people who are the messiest humans ever put on the earth.
3. I do not like to be touched. I have this comfort zone and I am only comfortable when I am the only person in the zone! I gave birth to this little person who loves to touch. For the first six weeks of life this little person would not sleep unless lying on my chest. Even though this little person now weighs almost as much as I do, this little person still wants to sit in my lap.
4. I am an introvert. You know, one of those people who gets rejuvenated by spending time alone. I homeschool my kids. Homeschool moms do not, I repeat DO NOT, get time alone! I also gave birth to this little person who follows me everywhere I go. If I go outside . . . if I go to the laundry room . . . if I go upstairs . . . if I go to the bathroom . . . you get the picture. I never, even in my own house, go anywhere alone.
5. I am not a morning person. I like to wake up and have a few minutes to breathe, not talk, adjust to my eyes being open. Well . . . you guessed it . . . I gave birth to a MORNING PERSON! This little person wakes up early and starts talking the minute another life form is heard. I am typically greeted with chatter before I ever cross the threshold of my bedroom. Waking up and slowly adjusting to a new day just flew out the window.
6. I really like to be in control. I'm sure that statement makes some of you laugh out loud. I truly imagine God chuckling at that statement or at least shaking His head, which leads me to one of my favorite Bible verses.
In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps. Proverbs 16:9I often think that God uses this verse to get a good laugh out of me. I really like to have all of my little ducks in a perfectly formed row, everything organized, and just so. Our schedule this semester is a prime example of me getting everything "perfectly planned" and then it all going haywire!
I started the semester believing that I would be at home alone for three hours every Monday and Wednesday. The Professor has Monday/Wednesday classes and I "had" both kids signed up for coop classes on Monday/Wednesday afternoons. I had wonderful visions of peaceful, uninterrupted time to myself, and a sparkling clean, well-organized house with everything in its place. What a dream it was!
Not only was my dream shattered when a coop class did not work out, but now every Monday and Wednesday I get to make the five minute drive to the coop school four times per day! Perfect example that I really have no control at all. Once again, I am reminded that it was so silly of me to think I did!
However, in the midst of the messy, touchy, crowded with people world in which I live, there is JOY.
There was that special moment with my little one, who hates to write, laughing through his writing assignment because he found the paragraph he was writing to be so funny. I would have missed that if I was at home alone.
The hugs, oh the sweet sweet hugs, that remind me that even though my baby is no longer a baby, I am still needed and wanted.
Being followed everywhere I go. That one is reminding me that my little one still wants to spend time with me, values my opinion, and wants me to know what is happening in her life.
Those morning greetings remind me that God too wants to hear from me, spend time with me as I start my day.
In the messiness, I am reminded that those messy people are way more important than everything being in its place.
So, today, I am taking a deep breath and finding JOY in all the chaos of this wonderful life I live and choosing to cherish the time I have the privilege of spending with the ones I love.
May you have JOY amidst your chaos!
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