I absolutely love to laugh. Within our home, we do not go a day without a good belly laugh in some form. Even within the midst of heartache, we somehow find a way to laugh. It does my soul good. The Professor, even though he has a tendency to act like a PROFESSOR, has a great sense of humor. He often comes up with some type of riddle for us to mull over while eating dinner. Because he is a professor and doesn't have class every day of the week, he is at home the majority of most days. With us homeschooling, the kids are at home the majority of most days as well. In other words, we are together as a family A LOT!
Between chores, schoolwork, and outside activities our days are probably just as crazy as the next person's. For the most part, we just do it all under the same roof. We each go about our days doing what needs to be done to accomplish whatever task each of us needs to accomplish.
Then, evening comes. Very seldom are we not all together in the evening. There are a couple of days this semester that The Professor has an evening class. On those days, we wait for him to get home to have dinner so that we all eat together. After dinner, we have a tendency to scatter. The Professor typically goes to his office to accomplish a little more work. Puppy usually has to put a few final touches on a homework assignment. Little Man likes to perform a few more yoyo tricks or play one more computer game. I, well, one never can tell what I might be doing.
As the evening starts to come to an end, we all gather together in our family room for what was dubbed many years ago as "Night Night." This is our time as a family to come together for what is most important to us. For what is at the very core of our existence, our beings. It is during this time that we push to the side everything but one thing - The Main Thing. The time in which we pause, take time out from the world around us. The time in which we focus on God. Even as we love to have times of laughter, we also cherish this most serious of times.
The Professor gets out his Bible and reads the words that were written thousands of years ago, but are so true today. I believe that I would be doing my friends a disservice if I do not share this aspect of our lives. The is the reason that we live, that we move, that we breathe. It is behind every decision that we make. The relationship that we have with God, the creator of the world in which we live, is the most important of all relationships.
We believe in the sovereignty of God. We believe that He alone has the supreme power, authority, and control not only over our lives, but the world as a whole. Because of this belief, we also believe that one day, when this life is complete, we will have to give an account to Him for how each of us has lived our lives. I will give an account for ME - not my mother, not my husband, not one of my kids, just ME!
First and foremost, God will ask if I knew his son, Jesus. His only son. The one who came into the world via virgin birth through Mary. The one who was persecuted, crucified, buried, and then rose from the dead. The one whom I believe lives eternally at the right hand of his Father God. The one whom I strive to follow and serve on a daily basis.
All of this has been weighing so heavily on my mind as I listen to our "Christian Community" spew hate and draw lines against each other over who will be president of the United States of America. It is a great country and I feel so blessed that through my mother I am a fifth generation American. However, my God is so much bigger than the United States. He doesn't love one country more than another country unless we start talking about Israel. And, well, that is His chosen country and the Jews are His chosen people. You can read about His relationship with Israel and the Jewish Nation throughout the Old Testament of the Holy Word of God. The United States, as great as it is, is not His chosen country. And we, Gentiles, are not His chosen people group. Thankfully, through the saving power of Jesus Christ, a way has been made for me and for you.
When it is all said and done, when I have to stand before God and give an account of ME, I do not believe that He is going to ask me for whom I voted in the 2016 Presidential Election of the United States. I DO believe He will ask me, "Did you know my son?"
Behind the laughter, behind the closed doors of our home, there is one thing that stands true today, tomorrow, and always, the Power of Christ. It never changes. It was the same yesterday, today, and will be tomorrow no matter whom I vote for or who wins the Presidential election. My God is bigger! He loves babies more than I could ever love. He hates ALL sin - even the sin in my life! And He loves every human being including Trump, Hillary and the terrorist.
My job is to seek Him, follow Him, strive to be like Him and to love at all cost. In that, I have JOY!
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